Virtual Staging - Catalog - Living Rooms

CATALOGS to choose from:          Living Rooms     Dining Rooms     Bedrooms    Outdoor    Other

Virtual Staging

You can choose from hundreds of different design and styles.... to fit your taste.

Copyright Information

The photographer owns the copyright to all images. The agent/agency is purchasing rights to use images in marketing the property. Images may not be used to market another, similar property. Images may also not be provided to any 3rd party including, but not limited to, stagers, homeowners, builders, other agents, or any print or Internet publication without the consent of the photographer. Photos used as cover shots for real estate marketing publications must also include a credit to the photographer.

COPYRIGHT   All photographs from photographer Marek Biela and/or ("The Photographer") are the exclusive Intellectual Property of The Photographer and are protected under U.S. and International Copyright Laws. Copyright Law of the United States and Related Laws are Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code. 

Present vacant or unfurnished properties... creatively.

Not everyone has the imagination to be able to see the full potential of vacant properties.

Photographs are the first thing most home shoppers see. We digitally and realistically place furniture into photographs of vacant properties. You’ll give buyers a reason to love property your are marketing and you'll be on your way to selling or renting faster and for top dollar and at the same time getting more listings from other homeowners that love the way that you are marketing other properties.

Making Agents look great.... and their listings shine

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CALL / TEXT: 617-206-1400

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Preferred by BostonREP

Please provide us with the following:

1. Name / Email / Cell   2. Property Address & approx. sq. ft.   3. What service would you like to schedule

4. Preferred day for Photo Shoot   5. Name of your broker/office

Contact ALL BostonREP Photographers with 1 email.

CATALOGS to choose from:          Living Rooms     Dining Rooms     Bedrooms    Outdoor    Other

Virtual Staging

You can choose from hundreds of different design and styles.... to fit your taste.